The facts of the crisis between Algeria and France continue, and multiple aspects and dimensions become, while it is similar to the trend towards the estrangement if the responsibilities are not identified and the subjective files are subjected to the French side to a sober political action, including (in particular) the political and media discourse, which rises, and it is left to its affairs to the actors who burn the relationship, and raise the voice With allegations and signals that can only increase the situation, and therefore we protested to analyze the French discourse to determine its contents and its goals, with the intention of understanding the true and hidden goals behind this great attack on Algeria, at this time.
A country of the size of France cannot see that confusion that has become its policy in the coast, in North Africa, and in Algeria, in the same way, without the responses of its action being tightly equipped, because it is a large state, and its complex interests are more than one actor who takes care of it, from the presidency, the Ministry of Foreign and Intelligence, to reach pressure groups, and the secret or unimpeated, and unmissitorant Official, in particular, when needed or nourished with a specific letter that is similar to the messages that official actors do not want to bear, they are attributed to the proverbs of the former ambassador, such as Zafia Darayanor, by passing it through media shares or reports, and even books as well.
The article works to analyze the French discourse in the past time, so that it can be emphasized (in a way that is almost assertive) that the media landing that followed the speech of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, in front of the French diplomatic apparatus, at the beginning of this year, was only to download the president’s phrases that encrypted messages that politicians used to use, when the communications are difficult or almost suspended, which is the current situation that has the relationships The French -French in the past months, after France recognized Western Sahara, in addition to the official French manipulation of the Algerian interests on more than one level, whether it is related to the memory file, or reviewing the partnership agreement with the European Union, or its work to interfere in the Algerian internal affairs through what was called, in a previous article for the writer (the new Arab “, 29/2/2024) with” a writer in a mission ” Their controversial duo, Kamal Dawood and the knowledge of Sansal.
We start from Macron’s speech directed to the French diplomatic apparatus, in which he stated that France did not graduate from the coast, but rather with a joint planning with the coastal countries to re -spread in a way that suits the new conditions that arranged the coups that witnessed the Sahel region (Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso), in addition to mentioning some facts in a supreme tone in which the French President, Macron, tried to remind the Africans of France’s preferences to France, And for their stability, and that she was the one who fought terrorism with its various interventions and operations, without the Sahelian Africans telling her, thank you for that work. In the same speech, Macron laid on the Algerian -French dispute, and he had unacceptable phrases, in which he described Algeria as doing actions that are not appropriate and its image, referring to the issue of the arrested writer in Algeria, Boualam Sakasal, describing his status as worrying, and that his arrest is just an issue of freedom of expression that Algeria does not accept. Since the speech referred to Algeria, what the French President did not say assigned the Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs to complete it, through two radio participants, in which the referral came to controversial files and the position of France from it, foremost of which are the issues of illegal immigration, and the Algerian influencers arrested in France, along with the issue of Sanasal, and forced to review the immigration agreement for the year 1968, signed between the two countries, signed between the two countries, signed between the two countries (According to the French), preference in some advantages is given to the Algerians, not other migrants of the world, although it was subjected to review three times, and it was emptied of its contents, especially claiming the preferential treatment of the Algerians in specific issues (for family reunification, residency and work).
Political life in France turns into an extremist right, opening the door for the possibility of the extremist right to reach the presidency in 2027
The most important media landing came in a television interview in a news channel for businessman Bulori, a right -wing channel with distinction in which the speaker was the former French ambassador, such as Zafi Darayankor, who does not deliver from his head to consider the reminder of the journalist conversation with him for the sentence of official positions he held before his retirement, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his country’s embassies abroad, especially those in Algeria during the era of President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika, In the beginnings of the first term of President Abdel Majid Taboun, without neglecting the definition of his book, which is a reference (according to the French) in understanding the entrances to the political action within the corridors of the Algerian political regime, the bearer is a prominent title that is the “Algerian mystery”. The talk began with the question of the journalist for the former ambassador about the nature of the relationship that binds the arrested Algerian influencers (the beginning of this year) with the authority in Algeria, on charges of inciting dealing with solidarity with the opponents of the Algerian regime, so that Ambassador Drynkour answers that there is no evidence of a relationship (inevitably) between Algeria and these influencers, indicating after that that dealing with these will be the indicator of the extent The French and the arrest of Algeria by the Franco writer, Boualam Sanasal, which highlights the extent of the contradiction in which the former ambassador occurred, because the arrest of the influencers, although it is a rights file, but it came with a political background from the French side, while the arrest of Sankal came for logical reasons, because he violated the Algerian laws regarding prejudice to the territorial integrity, in addition to media statements to the writer The country that holds his passport and lives in, but rather a supreme framework in one of its ministries for years.
In his talk about French files, the former ambassador, Deriancor, wanted to indicate that they are pressure files on Algeria, similar to the visa file, and the immigration agreement for the year 1968, in addition to a file that raised it, which is the file connected to the property of the gang in France, or what is known as the file of “property acquired by corruption and theft” (Biens Mal ACQUIS), As if he had officially nodded the French to disrupt the file processing, and not help Algeria to restore those looted money, either transferred or immovable, which is estimated at hundreds of millions of euros. Of course, the meeting would not have ended without talking about the accusation of the proceeds of the memory that the extremist right and the official discourse (both) in France focused on them to describe what they consider to be an Algerian concern in making the memory file axis in the Algerian -French bilateral relations, progress and tension, which is the file in which France delays but (according to Daraynkur) everyone in France, from the president to the president, from the president to the parties, from the president to the president, from the president, from the president, from the president, from the president, from the president. Performing writers and media professionals, unanimously agreed that the file is closed (i.e. Paris, what it has to do), Maurice Odan announced a victim of torture from the French state or the announcement of France’s responsibility for the killing of lawyer Ali Boumingl, in addition to some symbolic kinetics from returning some archive, or the conversation that has become progressing something in the file of the crime of October 17, 1961, and deliberate killing for hundreds, but for thousands of Algerians in Paris and threw their bodies in the Seine River, on the orders of the thug Babon, the then governor of Paris Police, during the reign of General de Gaulle.
It is a candidate that the differences over Algeria will be extended, and remain in the axis of the French internal political conflict in the context of the upcoming presidencies.
By analyzing the speech of the French President referred to, and his previous hadiths on Algeria, or the conversation that Dreiancourt made to the news channel owned by the extremist right -wing businessman Bolore, four repeated phrases came, as if there was “Skript” the president read from him, and he answered the former ambassador, which are also repeated by the French Foreign Minister, and the Minister of the Interior spoke to them as well, which are the expressions of visas and the emigration file And memory and clashes, forming (in another way), the contentious files between the two countries, or that France wants to pressure or limit them to any subsequent negotiations between the two countries that may take (according to the aforementioned conversation to the previous ambassador), recently about the coast and fold the memory file and the claims of Algeria and the passage to the immigration agreement for the year 1968, in exchange for the file of Algeria’s request to review the partnership agreement with the European Union, which will be the first of the French companies, which will be the first of the French companies, which will be Its victims, as it is one of the largest beneficiaries of this agreement and the considered losses that the Algerian economy is due to all of this.
This position on France may not be for the brilliance of Sanasal, nor the vitality of other files, despite its importance for the two towns, but rather according to data and indicators for coverage and distraction from the political path, which has become pivotal in French political life, which inevitably turns into an extremist right, opening the door widely for the possibility of the extremist right to reach the presidency in the presidentials of 2027 Le Pen … because the Algerian issue (according to Darainkor) is always an internal topic in addition to that it is a file of French foreign policy, considering that 10% of France’s population is related to Algeria, either immigrants (about six to seven million immigrants), or crazy or historical related to Algeria, which nominates the differences to extend and remain in the axis of the internal French political conflict in the next two years The context of the upcoming presidencies.
It is noted, in the article, the repetition of the phrase of the former ambassador, because Deriancor and its movements, and its axialism in talking about Algeria, in a tone that constitutes the differences, but rather makes them, stands behind their promotion and amplification, is an ambassador in an informal mission alongside Sanasal, the writer in a mission.