Reading the materials of some newspapers on Friday and the end of the week we start from the “Moroccan events”, in which it was reported that the authorities in a number of regions are fighting during the month of Ramadan a real war on corrupt and expired foods that invaded the markets, in light of the seasonal monitoring that the latter is subject to.
For its part, the Moroccan Network to defend the right to health and the right to life warned of the danger of the spread of unsafe and expired foodstuffs in the Moroccan markets, and the authority said explicitly that the health of citizens cannot be an area of bargaining, and that the time has come to take decisive measures against all those who manipulate the lives of people in exchange for rapid profit.
In another news, the employment of the Al -Haouz region confirmed that the reconstruction of the areas affected by the Al -Haouz earthquake defined tangible progress, and indicated that the construction process ended for more than 15,100 housing residences and rehabilitated for housing.
The news added that the completion rate of the works reached very advanced levels, and the reconstruction process reached 60 percent. The number of tents was also reduced to only 3 thousand and 211, after it represented at the beginning of the earthquake more than 35 thousand and 500. It is expected that the progress rate of works within the next two months will reach 80 percent.
In another news, the same newspaper stated that the judiciary in the elementary crime room is expected to be issued by the Appellate of Fez, its provisions in the file of manipulation in public deals, which followed in the event of the arrest of the head of the Budget and Deals Authority in the state of Fez Meknes during the era of the former governor Saeed Azniber, in addition to contractors.
The “Moroccan events” indicated that the head of the Budget and Deals Authority in the state of Fez Meknes is continuing in order to disperse and embezzle public funds and forgery, excluding competitors and exploiting influence, and continues in the same file two contractors for the sake of briefing and participating in embezzlement and waste of public funds and participating in counterfeiting customary and official documents and their use and the exclusion of competitors.
“Al -Masaa” was reported that the Money Crime Court of Appeal Fez has postponed the consideration of the case that the head of the Jinan Al -Ward province in Bab Fattouh in Fez and one of his deputies is under reserve detention in Burkiz prison, accompanied by a group of suspects until April 8.
Among the followers there are some real estate refresher, authority agents and mediators, and he is also pursued pending the same case according to the judicial concession ruler, a man of authority with the rank of leader.
It was included in the same newspaper’s articles that the Authenticity and Modernity Party implicitly criticized the government, which is one of its components, regarding the high prices, indicating that it senses the economic difficulties experienced by many social groups. In this regard, the party called on the government to intensify monitoring and beating with an iron hand on some spoilers and professionals who are still taking advantage of all the possibilities of their relations to fabricate crises and benefit from the status of speculation.
According to the “evening”, “Al -Bam” demanded the government to cancel the customs and tax exemptions taken to reduce meat prices, pointing out that it did not “give its food.”
As for “Today’s statement”, it was stated that the snowfall and strong winds witnessed by the country these days clearly expressed the aggravation of the tragic circumstances in which the inhabitants of the regions and regions live in the great atlas that the earthquake struck a year and a half ago, and those who left facing their fate under plastic tents that are not eligible for them to meet the difficult climatic conditions that the region knows.
In the same context, Mohamed Al -Dish, the National Coordinator of the Civil Coalition for the mountain, said, in connection with “Today’s statement”, that “the suffering of the population affected by the earthquake in the provinces of the Great Atlas is exacerbated day by day”, recording that “the process of re -housing of the earthquakes remains a very big question, especially since according to data and reality it appears that the reconstruction of the haw have not contained within the priorities of the government Stacking to their homes, at least to the economic and social levels in which they lived before the earthquake.
The human rights actor revealed that the authorities concerned with managing the reconstruction of Al -Haouz resorted to the language of restrictions on the victims whose complaints are rising by protesting how to dispense the support and imbalances that marred this matter, as well as the delay in the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction, where their fate was the arrest as happened to the head of the coordination of the victims Saeed Ait Mahdi and a number of protesters, instead of being initiated to follow the negligent and responsible In the delay taking place and exploiting the situation in their favor.
The newspaper also reported that the “Tagmeh” association opened the women of the Berkin group in the region of Jarsif new horizons to market their products, and allowed them to provide material income that contributed to improving their living conditions, and strengthened their confidence in their ability to achieve self -sufficiency.
This cooperative, which was launched in 2019 with eight women, works to invest local agricultural resources, such as saffron, nuts, and medicinal and aromatic herbs, and convert them into marketable products, from implantation and harvesting to drying, canning and marketing according to controlled standards to ensure the quality of the product.
The seal is from the “science” that published that male and female citizens faced the phenomenon of successive rises in the prices of many consumables with angry reactions that spread in social networks, in the conversations of councils and in unprecedented anger.
Despite the decisions and measures announced by the government and committed to implementation to force the consumer price index to decline below, this did not work, and the prices of many consumer materials continued to rise amazingly and unprecedentedly.
In this context, close sources of the knowledge revealed that the campaign to boycott many of the materials whose prices were known for huge increases that were launched with the follow -up of some people to reach within a few days to two million followers and currently exceed more than six million followers, and the increase in participation in the boycott campaign indicates social networks with all this demand for the great popular rejection of these increases and to address them.