The Moroccan Lesser Contracting Authority said that it had “received many complaints from very small and small contractors who complain of very slow to perform its dues from some public departments and institutions after months of supplying services or purchases, as they face obstacles and complex procedures in the rulings of performance; This negatively affects the financial liquidity of these contracts.
The same body, as part of a communication to it, registered that “the slow performance threatens the presence of micro -contracting and makes them vulnerable to debt accumulation and bankruptcy risk, instead of motivating them to develop its contracting activities,” considering that the matter is a “beating of all legal legislation and high royal directives contained in the speech of August 20, 2018 on the occasion of the sixty -fifth anniversary of the king’s revolution and the people.”
In this context, the Moroccan Small Contracting Authority, Aziz Akhenouch, called on the Prime Minister to “support the minor contracting by obliging these public institutions, dirt groups and professional chambers that violate their obligations towards creditors and respect for the legal legislation specified for performance deadlines and ensuring their optimal activation.” Whereas, “the Ministry of Economy and Finance was known for the deployment of detailed data on public institutions and contracts that stated the longest performance of the performance, which did not indicate the deadlines of its performance, as well as those that do not address the complaints of suppliers across the electronic platform.”
The same authority called for “not limiting the mechanism of publishing the regulations referred to, and activating the principle of linking responsibility to accountability with managers and orders to spend in public institutions and contracts that violate their financial obligations towards public contracting”, under the same context of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council “conducting a diagnostic study on the delay in state institutions in performance and issuing recommendations in this regard.
In this regard, the minor contracting called for “creating the green number mechanism to report the unjustified delay in the deadlines, in order to preserve the rights of contracting and ensure the sustainability of jobs and improve the investment climate.” She also proposed, “Creating a guarantee fund or creating bank financing lines for the state’s contracting contracts to be able to perform its management expenses and avoid declaring bankruptcy, in exchange for providing confirmed administrative documents for completing the legal procedures to extract its debts from the administration or the public institution (the access of purchases or the minutes of receiving services).”
The Moroccan Lesser Contracting Authority monitored all these “obstacles” despite “the momentum of legal texts and legislative accumulation in this section, as well as creating the Observatory of Performance for Performance to follow the extent of adherence to public institutions and contracting to implement it and its good application in their financial transactions, as the recent period has known a very limited response that did not reflect positively on the business climate.”
It also evoked an excerpt from the royal speech on August 20, 2018, in which King Mohammed VI said: “Public administrations, especially territorial groups, must perform the dues against the contracting dues. This delay may lead to bankruptcy, with the loss of many jobs. How do we want to give the example, if the state departments and institutions do not respect their obligations in this regard?
The Rardi President, the head of the Moroccan Microscopic Contracting Authority, regretted that “an important percentage of the Moroccan younger contracting finds itself forced to wait for its dues related to its implementation of certain projects, for long periods of time than the law stipulates; If Law No. 69.21 related to the Trade Code aims to reduce the length of these deadlines, then some of these contracts are waiting for up to a full year to obtain only these dues. ”
Wardi said, in a statement to Hespress, that “it is interesting to pay attention to this issue that we are talking about departments affiliated with the state, in various ministries, do not adhere to the legal rulers in force in this framework; This reflects negatively on the micro -contracting to be supported in the first place, instead of making them appear in an appearance that is not appropriate for representatives of most components of the national economic fabric.
The same spokesman said that the body headed “will try to correspond to Aziz Akhenouch, the prime minister, regarding this issue, as the first official at the level of the organizational authority; If the public administrations deal in this way and do not respect the laws, then what do we expect from the private sector?
He continued: “It is unreasonable that a minor contracting has done its duty and assumed responsibility for the implementation of a specific project; While it is forced to wait for the payment of its dues by state administrations, the latter does not adhere to the deadlines that the law talks about and that it clearly limits, “noting that” this situation is not compatible with all the official efforts that intend to encourage the private sector and raise the operating rates in the Kingdom. “