The reader, Hajjaj Al -Hindawi, is one of the prominent flags of recitation, and the Qur’an recited in front of former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak in 1998 after winning the first place in the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments competition to recite the Holy Quran.
Al -Hindawi was born on January 12, 1976 in the village of Pahrams, Imbaba Center in Giza Governorate, and learned to read the Qur’an at an early age, and began memorizing at the age of seven, and completed the memorization of the Qur’an at the age of twelve years of age, and his professors at this stage were Sheikh Hussein Abdo Yusuf, then Sheikh Subhi Ahmed Abdel Aziz, and his brother Sheikh Eid Al -Hindawi, Professor of the Qur’an and readings. The reader, Hajjaj Al -Hindawi, directed to improve the provisions of the recitation at the hands of Sheikh Abdel -Ati Mahmoud Tuaima, who is famous for Sheikh Attia Tahim, and completed the study at the Institute of Readings in Cairo, and presented to the Egyptian radio a reader in 2000 thanks to the encouragement of Sheikh Abu Al -Enein Shaisha, head of the readers ’testing committee, radio, and the nomination of the radio Mahmoud Al -Saadani, and he passed all stages of the test, and was adopted as a reader on the radio and television Celebrations, Friday and dawn directly.
He has reciprocates in many governorates, and several trips outside Egypt, so he traveled to Malaysia in 2000 within the Egypt Mission in the International Holy Quran Competition, and to many Islamic and non -Islamic countries, including: Canada, Indonesia, Britain, Pakistan and Thailand.
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