His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom, the head of the Senior Scholars Authority in the Kingdom, Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh, called on imams and preachers to ensure sincerity and distance from hypocrisy and suspicions, including broadcasting and photographing their prayers and lectures through social media channels and sites in mosques that may occur in the blessed month of Ramadan.
This came in a fatwa issued by His Eminence yesterday, the 12th of the holy month of Ramadan, in response to a question about the decision taken by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs to prevent photographing and broadcasting prayers and lectures through social media, in light of the keenness to achieve legal interests from the spread of unproductive errors through social media, saying that this issue is dangerous, before this measure taken by the ministry is to prevent photography and broadcast prayers and lectures through social media Cark the mistakes that may occur, as there is a question of sincerity and it is a condition for accepting the work, because the work is not acceptable except with two conditions, sincerity to God, and that the work is according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, so the issue is dangerous, which is what the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, warned of by saying: Narrated by Ahmed.
His Eminence indicated in the issued fatwa that photographing prayers in mosques, speeches and lectures, as well as depicting acts of worship, such as prayer or performing rituals, has judgments that differ according to the intention and goal of photography, citing the saying of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Narrated by Muslim, sincereness is an important matter, which is what I have to bed with the righteous, because whoever knows that every action is not requested by the face of God, then it is rewarded for its owner. Narrated by Muslim. In Ibn Majah’s narration: (I am innocent of him and he is the one who involved), and God says:
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His Eminence stated at the conclusion of the fatwa, that a Muslim must take care of sincerity as much as he can, asking God to bless us all sincerity and good deeds.