It is expected that two laws approved by the Moroccan Parliament will pass earlier, as part of the change and completion of the legal arsenal system for social protection workshops in Morocco to the procedure of implementation; After the issuance of its implementation in the Official Gazette, 7383, signed by sympathy by Aziz Akhenouch, the Prime Minister.
The matter relates to, according to what Hespress seen in the number published on the third of March, “Sharif Dahir” No. 1.25.02 issued on 21 Shaban 1446 (February 20, 2025) states that “it is implemented and published in the Official Gazette Law No. 02.24 by changing and completing the honorable back as Law No. 1.72.184 dated (27 July 1972) related to the social security system, as approved by a council Advisers and House of Representatives.
The process of change and completion, in a detailed manner, included the provisions of Chapters 1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 26, 27, 53, 55, 56, 57 and 77 bis of the noble back as Law No. 1.72.184, which was issued on July 27, 1972 related to the social security system, as it was changed and completed.
The law, in its form, published in the Official Gazette, allowed “the possibility of the fund to be entrusted with managing other social protection systems, according to legislative texts, or when necessary, according to agreements approved by the Administrative Council.”
Methods and implementation
The new law excluded from the validity of its rulings: “The insured who have reached, before January 20, 2023, (60) years or (55) years of miners who prove at least five years of work in the ground.” Likewise, “the persons referred to in Chapter 57 of the noble Dahir as the aforementioned Law No. 1.72.184 in the event of the death of a believer, before January 1, 2023, spent at least 1320 days of insurance and less than 3240 days of insurance.”
Also, “those concerned with the matter remain subject to the provisions of the noble back as the aforementioned law No. 1.72.184 in which work before changing and completing it under this law; However, the provisions of Chapters 69 and the repeated 77 of the honorable back are applied to them as the aforementioned law as it was changed and completed under this law.
And taking into account the provisions of Articles 7 to 12, “the provisions of this law enter into force from the month of the month following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette; However, the rulings that require the issuance of organizational texts, so that it enters into force starting from the month of the month following the date of publishing these texts in the Official Gazette.
Labor accidents
In the folds of the same issue, the honorable back, No. 1.25.03, issued a “implementation of Law No. 27.23 to change and complete Law No. 18.12 related to compensation for labor accidents”; And that “as approved by the House of Advisors and the House of Representatives.”
The first article of the new and complementary law approved that “the competencies assigned to the governmental authority in charge of employment, according to Law No. 18.12 related to compensation for labor accidents, by the governmental authority or government authorities that are determined by decree.”
It is expected, according to the same article, that “the phrase“ competent administration ”replaces the phrases of the“ regional or regional directorate for the competent employment ”and“ the competent departments of the regional or regional directorate for employment ”and“ the regional director of employment ”mentioned in Articles 13, 17 and 186 of the aforementioned law.
The updating of a law compensation for labor accidents also indicated that “it changes and is completed as follows, the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 25, as well as the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 27 of the aforementioned law No. 18.12”.