The Political Bureau of the Authenticity and Modernity Party held its regular meeting, chairing the collective leadership of the party’s general secretariat, on Tuesday at the central headquarters of the party in Rabat, devoted to circulation in the developments of the national political scene, and in the internal organizational issues of the party.
The meeting was distinguished, according to a communiqué of the political office of “Al -Bam”, which Hespress reached, by presenting a “detailed political presentation” by Muhammad al -Mahdi Bensaid, a member of the collective leadership of the party’s general secretariat, “followed by a deep and responsible discussion.”
“Given the special position that the Moroccan people give the blessed month of Ramadan spiritually, socially and culturally,” the communication adds, “The political bureau, which senses the high prices and economic difficulties experienced by many social groups, calls on the government to intensify monitoring and hitting with an iron hand on some brokers and spoilers who are still taking advantage of all the possibilities of their relations to fabricate crises and use the situation.”
In the same context, Al -Bam also called on the government to cancel the customs and tax exemptions taken to reduce the prices of meat that have not been given.
The party’s political bureau, which is part of the current governmental majority, interacted with social issues, recording that “after he learned about the content of the government’s work plan in the field of employment in an additional 15 billion dirhams, which will keep pace with the developments of the labor market in its relationship with climate variables, the political bureau renews that the high unemployment is a real dilemma, and that confronting this situation is the responsibility of everyone, and that this new plan requires involvement Group is responsible and real to all actors, with a sophisticated national approach and with a real involvement of the public authorities and the elected, “stressing that this” in order to transfer this plan from urgent measures to create new job opportunities to a national moment to qualify Moroccan youth and develop the most affected areas and social groups, especially uneducated that have remained marginalized for decades “, by expressing it.
After congratulating the political bureau of the party, King Mohamed VI and the Moroccan people as a virtuous month of Ramadan, the party’s high praise for the wise decision taken by the Commander of the Faithful in order not to do the ritual of the sacrifice of the feast this year, “considering that” this deep and directed decision embodies its permanent keenness to provide all the conditions favorable to the Moroccan people exercising their religious rituals without distress, as it reflects the feeling of economic conditions The difficult experience of some groups of society, especially those with low incomes.
The party also congratulated the women of Morocco with their international day, “appreciating the progress achieved by our country in fairness to Moroccan women led by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, which requires more courageous political steps to enhance the economic and social gains of Moroccan women and devote more equality within Moroccan society.”
The communication was not without the expression of the political bureau of “his satisfaction with the established positions of the French Republic of the justice of the issue of our country’s territorial integrity”, noting in this direction by “renewing the confirmation of these positions on the words of the French Speaker of the Council of Senate in his recent visit to our country and our Moroccan Sahara”, recording that it is “a culmination of a visit that is no less successful than that of the French Minister of Culture of the Moroccan Sahara with the invitation of Mohamed Mahdi Bensaid, the Minister of Culture, and the various positions announced, which established the strategic relations between the two countries in the political, cultural and economic field.
In human rights, the Political Bureau valued in its communication, “Morocco’s fixed commitment and strong will to enhance the democratic path and human rights”, and stressed that “preserving the democratic construction that our country has accumulated for decades with a solid royal will, sacrifices and great struggles, is the responsibility of everyone, and then we see that as a political majority are obligated to preserve this collective heritage, through fortifying human rights gains and protection Freedom of expression and not to harm institutions and abstain from discussing various political and democratic challenges with national integrity and high boldness.
Moving to the party’s organizational affairs, the political bureau valued “high initiative [جيل 2030] The party’s youth launched in order to create a new bridge for dialogue and direct communication with the youth and their involvement in the party’s perceptions on various public policies, and to enhance their political participation as a basic entry to improving their legitimate conditions and aspirations.
The Political Bureau of Asala and Modernity also interacted with international developments by expressing his “great satisfaction with the continuation of the agreement to stop the war in Gaza”, with his “calling for Israeli attacks against civilians in the West Bank and all the Palestinian territories, and facilitating ways to return the displaced and continuing the flow of food, medical and humanitarian aids in a large way to the Palestinians”, at the same time, at the same time, “international praises continuing the efforts of the head of the Jerusalem Committee, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in the defense, in the defense. On the Palestinian right and support the steadfastness of Jerusalemites through projects of a human nature.