الرئيسية News A stuffed monkey leads the PF to investigate intimidation by Bolsonaro supporters...

A stuffed monkey leads the PF to investigate intimidation by Bolsonaro supporters against a federal delegate

Brasilia – Federal District – TO federal police opened an investigation to investigate a possible intimidation attempt against the delegate Fábio Shorresponsible for investigating the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in cases like saudi jewelry and the vaccination card.

The investigation was motivated by an episode that occurred on July 13, when Shor found a doll blue jumpsuit glued to the back window of his car, parked in front of his house, in brasilia.

The delegate considered that the object was a clear bullying messagesuggesting that those responsible knew his address and the vehicle he used. This episode occurred just nine days after the accusation of Bolsonaro in the case of Saudi jewelry, which led Shor to start using an armored vehicle and report increasing threats.

What motivated the investigation?

the investigation of federal police aims to investigate the threats suffered by short after the accusation of Bolsonaro. The delegate reported in his statement to the PF that, since then, he has become the target of virtual campaigns coordinated by public figures, including the influencer. Ed Raposohe Senator Marcos Do Val ( Podemos-ES ) and the blogger’s daughter Oswaldo Eustaquio. These campaigns increased after the accusation, generating a wave of attacks on social networks.

On July 14 make ok and the daughter of Eustace published a photo of Shor, accompanied by the phrase “Searching”, which quickly reached more than 260 thousand visits. The deputy was also accused of preparing fraudulent reports by deputies such as Eduardo Bolsonaro and Marcel Van Hattemwho used the tribune Chamber of Deputies to make accusations.

What are the legal implications for those involved?

The Federal Police have already accused the deputies Marcel Van Hattem and Corporal Gilberto Silva put slander and defamation due to speeches given on the House floor, which accused the delegate of presenting falsified documents. These attacks are part of a series of public pressures against the work of short.

Understand the case of bullying investigation.

  • Fabio Shor was in charge of investigating Jair Bolsonaro in the case of jewelry and vaccination records.
  • On July 13, he found a doll. blue jumpsuit stuck to his car, considered an intimidating message.
  • Marcos Val and the daughter of Eustace They posted a photo of Shor with the words “wanted” on social media.
  • Eduardo Bolsonaro and Marcel Van Hattem accused Shor of reporting fraud, which led to accusations of slander and defamation.
  • HE federal police investigates those involved in the campaigns against the police chief.
