The Águas de Manaus concessionaire was accused of successive supply interruptions in neighborhoods of the city. Now it is the Viver Melhor Complex, where water has not arrived for three weeks (see article below). Despite additional investments by public authorities, with the construction of waste recycling plants and a supply center (water pipeline), the company has still not managed to meet consumer expectations.
The sanitation works, which the concessionaire claims are its own work, are actually public investments: State Government, Municipality of Manaus. Therefore, taxpayer resources, who in the end pay for bad service and are penalized twice.
The concession was granted so that the company could take over and improve the water supply and wastewater collection, but behind it is the generous hand of the public authorities.
Prosamim’s sanitation works benefit a small group of people, eliminating the company’s responsibility to make investments in stream sanitation. At a minimum, the investments made would have to be reimbursed to the State.
When the Suez group was granted a concession in 2002, the managers of the time, in exchange for who knows what, included a turtle in the text. Clause 3 said that public authorities would make additional investments in sanitation works at the concessionaire. This would have decreased the following year, but that is not what we see today.
The state and the municipality feed the company with heavy investments, without this being reflected in cheap water bills and efficient service, while the shareholders of the concessionaire enrich themselves with assets that, after all, belong to society. Amazonian.
This is immoral and must end.
Also read:
The residents of Viver Melhor face three weeks without water