The Maghreb researcher, Siddiq Al -Dahabi, emphasized that the yearning towards wide and broad horizons is not new in human custom, nor is a new thing that is being talked about for the first time in the lessons of history, the aspirations of civilizations and the aspirations of grandparents and grandchildren, but rather it is always at the top of the demands of the human situation, and the concerns of scholars and researchers and their aspirations, and the desire of humanity always desires to fold the pages of the existing and change them with what is surprising And dazzling, longing and inclination for everything new, and the desire to reveal what highlights the state of greatness and no limited human mind in the manufacture of development.
He pointed out that the obsession with going far in seeing the future of humanity from perspectives does not establish limits for imagination and creativity, in “contemporary time” more than others in the rest of the times and civilizations, due to several considerations, including the extra confidence in science and its achievements, and in what the human mind has proven about its ability to ways of the doors of endless worlds. He asked: Will the idea of ”post -humanity” and “contemporary biological revolution” carrying the doctrine of “death of death” are the extent of this last yearning? Or can the right resistance be able to brake this human insatiable and create the desired harmony between man and man?
He believes that one of the embarrassment of this shift is the extensions of the aforementioned concepts on the meanings of identity, existence, human nature and the human situation, because the scientific tide of research related to biological technology, and the results that were being achieved until recently placed in the category of “mummification”, ended with a deep rift in dealing with the master of questions, and we mean, of course, “identity”, starting from its first definition related to the “body” The matter of changing it, improving it and replacing its parts/its organs is available and easy, to the point of the possibility of its “existence”, which has become just a possibility among many other possibilities possible, after the possibility of avoiding the act of reproduction in the event that there is proven congenital distortions, or questions related to the surgical actually, and the subject of the transfer and transplantation Himself, with this intruder of the members on his original body, “stressing that what comes raises a controversy related to the demand of” the ability to complete “, and the eagerness of obtaining” eternity “through the yearning to the stage of” death of death “and nullifying the effects of disease, aging, fatigue, fatigue and suffering, and the human dreams and safety, you want to settle the question of the ends whatever their nature or shape, in front of the weight And the desires of continuity and eternity, not with its meanings related to the time of lights, as the aspiration to achieve completion with its moral and political connotations that may have embodied its general spirit, but rather its meanings related to genetic and genetic replacement, which refers to “biological conditioning”, and the transition to what “Fukuyama” calls the stage of viewing to the human being biologically as a product of cell installation, in short, transition to complete In different meanings, it is within the field of biological knowledge, to mean creating a transformation and change in man.
He returned from the embarrassment raised by this shift, folding the distances more, and gradually approaching the “post -humanity”, and ensuring that its danger is, not only in the possibility of its achievement or not, but in the how many questions it raises even while it is placed in the “biological utopia” field, and in the “fear” of the fate of the new humanity disappointed, and the condition The “irony” arising from the possibility of this shift actually occurring, then this shift is a “ghost”, in that it raises an ideological, theological, political and social discussion, as it is politically and ideologically, it presents itself as an alternative to the ideologies of progress and changing reality, as is the case of “totalitarian ideologies”, and it also provokes a deep theological controversy, when it presents itself in the form of a Coper New, and it breaks down the questions of good and evil and perhaps permissible and forbidden, and it would socially turn into a new interpretation tool for traditional upbringing systems, which in the end means that they are structural and comprehensive transformations, and suggests themselves as an independent radigum, consisting of different principles, the most important of which is that man is nothing but a “genes package” and that there is no possible reluctance except for engaging in a vision that hosts hope objectively, and adopts a bet. “Return towards man.”
And he went to the possibility of dealing with this shift, according to the ethics of responsibility and the principle of caution, and the human and moral bridges related to these demands, which can actually be a solid condom of unlimited duties of knowledge, and the excessive love of the theories of “prediction”, pointing to the importance of adhering to the total moral motives, which establish the weight of human humanity, which is being corrected and arranged in theories Equivalent theses are either in the name of discussion, citizenship, responsibility, caution, or privacy, and the application of the principle of “Hans Jonas”, in his talk about the duty to refrain from the actions that we should not do at all, and it seems more like a moral condition that Kanth built in an answer to a question: What should we do? In the context of determining the ethical ground to live with all, but, it is like an existential question, about what we should necessarily do to survive and continuity, not just living with knowledge.
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