Dr. Amr Khaled, the Islamic preacher, revealed how to deal with rumors and fabricated charges for the purpose of distorting reputation, as it usually occurs through social media platforms without evidence or evidence.
In the seventeenth episode of his Ramadan program, “The Prophet of Charity”, Khaled warned of the risk of promoting rumors, without a precise source, “O you who believe if a pasture comes to you with a news, then turns out …”, stressing that it is not permissible to talk about anyone except with an unbearable evidence, “If we reach the evidence, then the cover is the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the punishment from the ruler alone.”
Khaled highlighted the lessons and meanings learned from the “foolish incident” when the hypocrites fought in the offer of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, during her return with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the Battle of Bani Al -Mutlaq, after she was late and moved the army without paying attention to her lack of existence in the hawdj designated for her, before he paid attention to the command of Safwan bin Al -Moatal Al -Salami, who made the Messenger of God in the back of the army.
Mrs. Aisha recounts: “And he found me and knew me, turned around and recovered and said:“ We belong to God and to Him we shall return. ”Until he wakes it up, then he gave the camel, she says: I rode, and God did not speak to me the word“ until we came to the army in the intensity of the afternoon, then he perished, and he spoke in my presentation from the one who spoke and was the one who assumed the dismantling Abdullah bin Abi bin Salloul. ”
Khaled said that there is a ruling behind the incident of the foolishness, “Do not calculate it for you, but it is better for you”, which is:
Rumors are able to souls; It takes it a huge event
– The price of what we learned from it was precious, because of the severe pain that the incident left in the hearts of the Companions, and our mother, Mrs. Aisha and Abu Bakr
– It is a shame to meet them while we are publishing rumors .. What will we say to them … that is, ashamed of its day?
Khaled Safwan bin Al -Moatal Al -Salami, who was addressed by the tongues as falsehood in the “incident of the disintegration”, and who witnessed with the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, all the invasions (Badr, Uhud and Al -Takhara) described as “the hidden piety that he did not hear about before and did not speak after it.”
He stated that Mrs. Aisha revealed to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the reason for her delay, so he believed her and did not seek doubt, but when Abdullah bin Abi bin Salloul saw her with Safwan bin Al Mutal, he leads the camel, pretending that he did not know her, and asked: Who is this .. so -and -so? They said: No .. this is Aisha .. and who is this? It is Safwan bin Al -Moatal, and he said: “By God, I do not think that Aisha spent her night with Safwan bin Al -Moatal.”
Khaled commented: He did not utter, he launched the rumor, and let the hypocrites feed it, and some simple Muslims were repeating it among themselves, until it spread throughout the city and people are talking about it; The sick minds do not explain the magnanimity of a man with a woman in a desert without anything or a sinful relationship between them.
Khaled explained the reason for Bin Salul, the leader of the hypocrites, to promote this false accusation against Mrs. Aisha, to work to discredit the Prophet by accusing his wife, destroying the trust of Muslims in the Prophet and Mrs. Aisha, and to die of trust in the Messenger of God and his family, and distort his image or assassinate him morally.
He said that the rumor is carried by maliciousness, and the idiots spread it, and the simple idiots believe it, and the wise believer, the owner of the high creation, rejects it, but he was alerted in return that Quraysh, and despite the fact that it is the enemy of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, but she did not use her media to transfer the rumor that promoted her, because it is not from its printing in the enmity like him, and because Aisha is from the Quraysh from the Quraysh.
He described what the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, described in the “incident of dismantling” as a terrible examination, and one of the most difficult trials in his life, especially since the revelation was delayed his descent on the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, for a whole month, and he suffers from the false accusation in the most beloved woman to him.
Khaled explained that the revelation was not revealed to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, that it was to prove his prophethood, because if the Qur’an had been from him, Aisha would have acquitted in the wake of the circulation of the rumor directly, and because God Almighty wanted to reveal the minerals of people.
On the other hand, he said that God Almighty was sick of Mrs. Aisha for a month during which she did not hear what was said about her, mercy on her, because if she had learned of the rumor in the beginning, she would have died as a period, and because of the names of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and from his mercy, insults the great calamities and younger.
He pointed out that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not refrain from showing kindness, kindness and love towards Mrs. Aisha during that period, but he was waiting for the revelation of heaven, because he is not only a husband, but he is a husband and a legislator.
Khaled explained that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, spoke to the lady, saying: “O Aisha, then he has informed me of such and such, so if you are innocent, then God will acquit you, and if you are guilty of sin, seek forgiveness from God, and he repent to him, then the servant if he confesses his guilt and then repents to God, God repents upon him.”
And that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not intend to obscene, as he asked her to repent, but he meant that if there was another sin, he asked for forgiveness, and he said: I do not know about Aisha except for good, so he began to consult those around him, so the Messenger of God Ali bin Abi Talib and Osama bin Zaid – may God be pleased with them – called upon the revelation to order them in separating his family.
Mrs. Aisha said: As for Osama bin Zaid, he referred to the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – who knows from the innocence of his family and the one who knows them in himself from friendliness, and he said: O Messenger of God, your family and we know only good.
As for Ali bin Abi Talib, he said: O Messenger of God, God did not narrow you, and women are many, and if you ask the slave, you will believe you.
She said: So the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – called Berira (her servant), and he said: Which is a butt, have you seen something that will be forgotten? Braira said: No, who sent you the truth, if you see it as something that he threw more on her than that she is a newlywed girl who sleeps from the dough of her family, then the poultry comes and eaten it, so the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – rose up, so he excused the day from Abdullah bin Abi Ibn Salloul, she said: Then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said: Whoever is a man who has been in the pulpit? By God, I did not know about my family except for good, and they mentioned a man that I learned only for good, and he did not enter my family except with me.
So Saad bin Moaz Al -Ansari rose up, and he said: O Messenger of God, I excuse you from him, if he was from the Aws, he struck his neck, and if he was one of our brothers from Khazraj, we commanded us, then we did your command.
Khaled said: Although Mrs. Zainab bint Jahsh was most of the wives of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a competition for Mrs. Aisha for the love of the Prophet, but when he asked her: O Zainab, I heard what people say?
What did the Prophet do with Ibn Salul?
Khaled said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not arise, and he died on his bed, and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was cousin in his shirt, and his son Abdullah had his high value among Muslims, and no one was close to him.
He mentioned that the Qur’an alone showed the innocence of Mrs. Aisha, and the hypocrite is the one who was exposed by God.
Khaled saw that what happened, even if he was heavy on the soul of any human being, but he gave Mrs. Aisha maturity and great experience in life and human nature, as it is one of the signs of the prophecy of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, because the revelation was late for a month, and if he was the one who writes the Qur’an, he would have acquitted it from the first day.
Dealing with crises:
He said that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, dealt with the crisis with patience with the people, did not turn angry, and those who fought in the rumor, such as Hassan and Musta, Taba, and forgiven them. As for Safwan, he is a noble knight, who remained silent, from which he did not make any violent or nervous behavior. While our master Abu Bakr remained on a flat, despite what he said against his daughter.