Sheikh Abu Ishaq Al -Huwaini died this evening, Monday, after suffering a severe health problem, according to what his son Hatem Al -Huwaini announced through his account on Facebook, saying: “We belong to God and to Him we shall return .. my father died.”
Sheikh Al -Huwaini was taken to the hospital in a critical condition, where the lawyer Khaled Al -Masry revealed the deterioration of his health condition before his death, indicating that he had contacted his son, who confirmed the seriousness of his pathological condition.
The sheikh had earlier suffered a stroke while he was in Qatar, which necessitated his transfer to the hospital for treatment.
His family members were keen to ask him to pray for him during his illness, as Haitham Al -Huwaini published a influential supplication, asking God to bless his father’s age, health and knowledge, and to give him the highest paradise.
Lawyer Khaled Al -Masry called in a post before the death of the sheikh to pray for him, explaining that he chose to publish the news minutes before breakfast until the Sheikh would receive people’s invitations at this blessed time.
It is noteworthy that Sheikh Abu Ishaq Al -Huwaini devoted his life to the service of hadith science, as he was known for his diligence in achieving the texts and studying the foundations, drawing inspired by his method of senior modern scholars.
The late had a prominent role in spreading modern culture through his lessons and lectures, as he focused on correcting modern concepts and clarifying the curricula of modernists in a manner that combines scientific accuracy and simplification.
The sheikh wrote a number of books and research in hadith science, and he was also famous for his prolonged explanation of the great hadith books, which made his influence wide among students of science.
The late activity extended to the media, where he presented many lessons and lectures that contributed to the spread of modern science between the public and specialists, which strengthened his presence in the scientific and advocacy arena.
The Sheikh was not completely far from the internal records, as in some of his lectures and interventions he showed critical positions towards some personalities and trends within Salafism, especially with regard to issues of ijtihad in understanding the texts.