Moroccans, since the beginning of the current year, filed a total of 36,821 complaints against public administrations; This is at the level of the National Marks Portal (Chikaya.ma), which is updated for this purpose years ago.
Most of these electronic complaints were directed against public institutions and contracting, as the latter alone acquired 23 thousand and 611 complaints, 73.89 percent of which were addressed; While the content of this treatment was 66.89 percent.
The ministries and supreme delegates ranked second in this context, as it was the subject of about 10 thousand and 439 complaints, 43.05 percent of them were addressed, with a satisfaction with a satisfaction of 56.6 percent, while the average number of days needed to respond is approximately 46 days.
In the third rank, the dirt groups, which number more than 1500 groups in Morocco, were ranked, as the latter received within two and a half months a total of 2832 complaints, 27.15 per cent of them was addressed, with 45 complaints reopening, starting from the updated national gate for this purpose.
According to the data provided by the aforementioned portal, these submitted complaints concern approximately 1744 public administrations, and 61.6 percent have been treated, with the level of contentment of this treatment reach 61.63 percent.
With the extrapolation of the same data, during the month of January of the current year, by citizens, about 16,441 electronic complaints, with this number declining to 14 thousand and 167 complaints during the month of February, while about 6 thousand and 299 of them were submitted in the first half of this month.
In terms of numbers always, Moroccans submit up to 177 thousand and 511 electronic complaints in the year 2024, public institutions and contracting acquired the lion’s share of them, as they alone registered 112,938 complaints, followed by the ministries and supreme delegates with 47 thousand and 606 complaints, followed by dirt groups by 16 thousand and 967 complaints.
The complaints advanced during the first weeks of 2025 are added to more than one million and 569 other complaints previously submitted by Moroccans at the level of the National Complaints Portal since its launch in 2018.
This portal was launched in order to absorb various complaints whose content is about 1744 public administrations involved in the Kingdom, whether it is related to them to public institutions and contracts, dirt groups, or ministries and sublime delegates.
In this context, King Mohammed VI said, in his speech on the occasion of the opening of the parliament’s works in October 2016: “It is not acceptable that the administration should not answer the complaints and questions of people, as if the citizen is not equal to anything, or that it is just a small part of the general view of the administration space; Without the citizen, there will be no administration .. It is his right to receive an answer to his messages, and a solution to his problems, presented to them; It is obligated to explain things to people and justify their decisions that must be made based on the law.