A student was killed, while another had a disturbance in the degree of awareness and bleeding in the brain; After a motorcycle collision with an agricultural tractor on the Umm Ajram -Faqous Road, the scope of the Faqous Center in Sharkia Governorate, the injured was transferred to Faqous Central Hospital to receive the necessary aid, while the body of the deceased was seized in the hospital’s refrigerator at the Public Prosecution.
The security services in the Eastern Security Directorate had received a notification stating that a signal had been received from the Faqous Central Hospital that “Mohamed El -Sayed Mohamed”, 16 years old, residing in the village of Al -Ghazali in Markanos, had a disorder in the degree of consciousness and brain bleeding, and the necessary aid was provided to him, and his friend “Ahmed M.MM” 17 years old, a dead body, and the body was transferred to the hospital’s refrigerator.
It was found from the initial investigations that the injured injury occurred and the death of the second after a motorcycle collision with an agricultural tractor on the Umm Ajram -Faqous road, the scope of the Faqous Center.