In our world today, we know 3 traditional cases of material, which is solid that has a fixed shape, such as ice or minerals, and liquid that flows freely, such as water, and gas like air, which spreads to fill any vacuum.
There are also cases such as plasma, which are found in the sun, and consist of electrically charged particles.
Ultra -solid material
But in the world of quantum physics, strangest cases appear, for example, a “superior material” can combine the characteristics of steel and liquid together.
This substance, it can act like steel and liquid at the same time, this is the ultra -solid material, which is a strange quantum condition of the material that has a solid structure like crystal, but at the same time it flows smoothly like the liquid without any friction.
Imagine a row of water drops that can move smoothly, but the distance between the drops never changes, this is impossible in our normal world, but it is possible in the quantum world.
Ayakobo Carrosoto, an atomic and optical physicist, says Ikobo Carrosoto, from the University of Tinto in Italy in a statement. official Al -Jazeera Net obtained a copy of it: “These drops are able to flow through an obstacle without being disturbed, while maintaining their spatial arrangement and mutual distance without change, as happens in crystalline solid materials.”
In an amazing scientific achievement, Italian scientists have been able to convert itself the same light into a super hard material, and this discovery can lead to great developments in quantum physics and future technologies.
The super solids were previously made only from the atoms, but the team led by scientists from the National Research Council in Italy has now succeeded in making a super solid material using photons for the first time.
Light and its movements
Light is pure energy, not a substance, so it usually does not behave like steel or liquid, but scientists have used a smart physical trick to make light behave like the material, according to the study It was published in the prestigious periodic “Nature”.
The first step was to make the light “stick” to the material, and until the light becomes closer to the material, it should be combined with material particles. To do this, scientists used a focused optical package (laser) and was directed on a special substance known as gallium arsenic, which is a compound of gallium and arsenic.
When light collides with the material, it began to interact with electrons within the material, which led to the appearance of semi -material particles called polyritonians, and for closer, it can be imagined that they are “hybrid” particles part of the light and part of the material.
And the term “semi -material” indicates an unusual type of material that scientists call the semiconductors, and to understand the idea, imagine that you play with your friends in a swimming pool, and when your hand moves in the water, you see small ripples moving across the surface of the water, these ripples are not material things themselves, but they act as independent creatures that move across water.
In the same way, semi -particles are, they are phenomena that occur within solid materials, where energy or disturbances move in a way that makes them look like real particles, although they are not independent particles such as electrons or protons.

Promising applications
To ensure the success of the experiment, scientists conducted some important tests, such as measuring the density of the resulting material and found that it is distributed in the form of two large summits with a gap between them, which is evidence of the presence of a super hard material, and they also used other techniques to measure the quantum state of the system, and they found that the quantum arrangement remained fixed through the entire system, and this confirms that the material was already super solid.
This modern innovation represents great progress in quantum physics, as the conversion of light into a super solid is open to new light technologies, such as laser devices and optical devices from the next generation with improved performance and new functions, and this can also help to explore the deeper nature of matter and light in the quantum world.
Besides, super solid materials are characterized by unique amounts that can be harnessed to develop more stable and efficient “cipts”, which are the basic units of quantum computers.
Ultra -hard materials can also help develop delicate measuring devices, as the sensitivity of the super solids of external stimuli makes them ideal for creating high -resolution sensors, and these sensors can revolutionize areas that require accurate measurements, including astronomical physics and nanotechnology.