In a city teeming with secrets and hidden wounds, a tragic incident was narrated by the German newspaper “Tats”. On the night of Berlin, where the shadows meet with pain, the life of a homeless man ended in a tragically used paper container. This accident, which occurred during the discharge of the container, opens a door for the lives of unknown displaced persons and the harsh streets of the merciless.
A tragic story in the heart of Berlin
Amid the courtyard of a residential complex, there was a small grave and dim lights that illuminated a single flower, almost passed by passers -by without arousing their attention. That flower is not just a plant, but rather a memory of a man who lived among us, but no one knows it except through that tragic moment. He was thirty -three years old, and he was believed to be homeless. He spent his last night in a paper waste container in Rosen Street Square in the heart of Berlin.
The tragic accident .. between cries and tears
On the morning of last Monday, while the hour was approaching six or seven in the morning, a waste truck arrived in the area. The workers were emptying the metal container, which weighs 4.5 tons, but suddenly, loud screams were like a harbinger. Firefighters tried to save the man, but they reached him while he was a dead body.
Ulrich Nweigir is a witness to the pain
Ulrich Nuigmour, founder of the trustees bus, has been working in the field of assisting the homeless for more than 30 years. The winter in Berlin is described as harsh, as the suffering of the homeless who is looking for shelter is increasing in a severe cold. He adds that despite the cruelty of life in the streets, he did not witness a tragic accident in this way, “death in the garbage container”, as he describes it. Although on the night of the accident, the bus for the transportation of the displaced was the help of a homeless woman in the same street, no one knew that this man was in the near -used paper container.
Lack of shelters and street preference
According to Nuejoor, about 6000 homeless lives in Berlin, while the city provides about 1,200 places to sleep in emergency shelters. Although these shelters were 95 percent full on the night of the accident, it warns against blame for the lack of sleeping places, as many homeless prefer to stay in the streets over resorting to the shelters, which they believe are uncomfortable.
Rumors about the man .. Was he from Poland?
Some rumors speak that the man who died from Poland, but this was not officially confirmed. Philip Monnegger, of the “Gangowe” organization, which provides support to the homeless, indicates that many homeless from Eastern Europe live outside the scope of government aid.
Rosen Street .. a painful and bitter present past
Rosen Street, where the accident occurred, was the scene of a dark history of women’s struggle in 1943, when they fought for the release of their Jews who were arrested by Nazi intelligence services. Hence the accident becomes a new episode of suffering in this historic place, which combines the pain of the past and the pain of the present.
Calls from the region: the need to take measures
For his part, one of the chefs in the region suggests the necessity of closing garbage containers to prevent the recurrence of this type of tragic accident. “It was a terrible accident, especially since this man was a young man at the age of 33,” one of them says, noting that this young man had 40 years of life that was inhuman aborted.
The containers are a shelter for the homeless
Elsewhere, such as England, the homeless began to sleep increasingly in waste containers, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation. (BBC) Other reports indicate that many displaced people around the world died while unloading garbage containers in trucks. These tragic incidents show how the place that is supposed to be neglected becomes a haven for those who have no shelter.
Future thinking
Ulrich Nuigwar believes that the solutions may be simple, such as opening the container cover before emptying it in the future. But he does not blame anyone, but rather sees that the issue requires more thinking about the ways to protect the homeless and improve the conditions of their lives in the streets.
Unfortunate pain ..
While the conflict continues to survive in the streets of Berlin, tales like these continue to remind us of the cruelty of the world in which homeless lives. The story of the man who died in the garbage container is not just an accident, but rather a deep wound in the heart of the city, and in the awareness of everyone who passes by it, without noticing the pain.
Writer and director residing in Berlin