Between the press and politics a wall of paper. There are journalists who do not engage in the profession with specific political convictions, but rather from party affiliations. But even a professional journalist who is occupied by pursuing political affairs finds himself involved in politics, even if he does not enter the political battle, as he finds himself forcibly a political classified from readers often or maybe politicians sometimes. This classification does not necessarily depend on its intellectual visions or professional positions, as the majority of classifications are carried by whims that ranged from glorification and hypocrisy. Therefore, you may find journalists who slipped into the political battlefield a reaction to a classification, regardless of being fair or unjust. In some of these cases, we lose a journalist and do not win politically. On the other hand, there are political activists who stormed the press of the press in the context of their desires for power … Do they not describe the press as the fourth authority, even if in a country with one authority?! In such cases, we do not earn a journalist or lose politically.
These cases do not deny the existence of journalists who are tempting them to sparkle the authority, so they break their pens for positions. Despite the presence of journalists who make themselves to serve politicians, cookies are not the goal of all of those, the professional gain is a craft of those who do not have the ethics of the profession or motivated by national political goals, in addition to the journalists who are preoccupied with what is defined professionally as political journalism, sweeps the cookies some of the artistic press halls, for example, or the fields of sports. This migration is exposed how much that wall between politics and journalism is easy to penetrate, but rather is a fake wall. Such the rights of men aborted the rights of men who made their professional commitment to a race of no less abundance than their ink, and they bear a cost that increases the prophecy of their positions. Among those who proved to the press the prestige of the “fourth authority”, and whoever raises his pen in the face of the temptations of positions, and whoever practiced the authority with the mentality of the journalist, they did not endure the authority or the professionals of positions were narrowed by them.
Perhaps Muhammad Hassanein Heikal does not only embody the most prominent Arab journalists, but also the best to represent those who adhere to glorifying the pen on the position, as it is the best witness to the lack of possibility of the journalist to remain in power and the narrowness of the people of power with the journalist. Beyond that, the structure of itself is better than the books on “The Relationship between Journalism and Politics” in a fun book of this title, in which he reviewed some of his career. Heikal mixed between the press and politics in one of the most obvious manifestations of that relationship, as if Al -Ahram newspaper was on his days, one of the institutions of the influential state presidency. But, at the same time, he kept professionally the wall between the press and politics as much as he kept the “pyramid” from the state’s institutionalization. Despite his confession in his book that it is the most complex relationship. The structure of that relationship complicated in a way that formed a knot for all Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, as is an icon in the Egyptian press, which was impossible to re -woven from those who tried from his Majesty or whom he wrote.
Mohamed Hassanein Heikal does not only embody the most prominent Arab journalists, but also the best to represent who adheres to glorifying the pen on the position
Perhaps Tariq Aziz was distinguished by his sparkle in politics more than his balance in the press, although it is a platform for his first start. It is the chairman of the editor -in -chief of Al -Thawra newspaper, spokesman for the Baath Party, ascended the Minister of Information and then for the Foreign Affairs, and tomorrow, a spokesman for all of Iraq in all historical curves during the presidency of Saddam Hussein, especially a Sunni war, Iran and Kuwait. He is the embodiment of the positions of his master and the voice of his eloquent master, but he put on his diplomatic and press meetings with touches of his elegant, arrogant, even as if it was a copy of the personality of his president.
Haykal, Winston Churchill was famous for the threshold of life as a war correspondent, assigned him “Daily Graphic” to cover the Cuba’s struggle for independence before his travel to the Caribbean island. He obtained a mandate from the “Morning Post” while he was on a mission in Sudan within the Kitchen Army, the defect of the Mahdist revolution. After his return, his author wrote “The War of the River”, to gain the importance of one of the references to that colonial war. Churchill then went to the fronts of political competition, and during the Second World War, Britain led Prime Minister. He not only sparkled a statesman, but also practiced journalistic writing, which made him the highest -paid writer.
Churchill did not only shine a statesman, but also practiced journalistic writing, which made it the highest -wage writer
In the context of the restoration, it is not possible to skip Yoginini Primakov, as he is a man who has no similar in eastern Europe, a human “Soviet” version, as he was born in Ukraine, and then his childhood in Georgia opened before moving to Russia joining the universities and institutes of Moscow. He is a professional journalist in multiple media platforms and devices. From the administration of the Arab section at the Broadcasting Commission, Primakov launched a reporter and then a editor before the presidency of the department. He moved from the audible press to the written newspaper, and he also graduated in it until it became a reporter in the Middle East, taking a permanent headquarters. In this task, Primakov held a well -known journalist on a global scale and a familiar intercourse with quite a few presidents, politicians and Arab readers. At the level of the state, he held several positions, including the Presidency of Foreign Intelligence, the Presidency of the delegations of Russian foreign missions, before he held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1996, then the Presidency of the Government after two years.
The currents of immigration from the press to politics carried many faces as they are in the opposite direction, but many algae and spiders sank between the two banks, so they went like the butter of the sea. Because from those who prints yarn strands in a spider -homes of lying, lies, and hypocrisy, on which of the two banks they found. Most of them tried to cross with an illusion of ease of penetration of the wall of the paper separating the press and politics, so they touched a faction of the two plants … The totalitarian systems create seasons to multiply such creatures.