Girls improve coffee in a Russian cafe, July 22, 2023 (Getty)
The rise in coffee prices is a real warning for fast -prepared coffee lovers in Britain, where some of the most famous brands in the United Kingdom recorded a rise in prices by up to 40% in one year, according to a report today, Saturday, in the British newspaper “The Guardian”.
According to the report, an analysis conducted by the “White” group for consumer protection found that 11 out of 12 species of fast -prepared coffee in six large grocery stores in Britain, whose prices increased by at least 8% in the first two months of this year compared to the same period in 2024, and that half of them increased by more than 10%. The price of a 200 -gram nescafe, the best -selling coffee in Britain, increased by 40%, with an average of 7.91 pounds, compared to an average of 5.65 pounds a year ago. This is compared to an average price increase by 14% to reach 5.79 pounds in the five major stores it provides.
The report says this was not the only big increase. The price of the Nescafe Azra Americano, a capacity of 140 grams, increased by 38% in Tesco, from 5.25 pounds to 7.26 pounds, and its average increased by 18% to 7.27 pounds on an annual basis in the six stores. The other four stores included in the survey, they are Asda, Morrison, Sinasbury and Reviri Rose. These prices come in the wake of expectations of the decrease in crops, as the largest coffee producers in the world, Brazil and Vietnam, are affected by bad weather with the continued growth of consumers’ demand for coffee.
Rina Cyuraz, the editor of the retail department in “White?” She added: “Not all kinds of coffee were not affected by the high prices, so shoppers are advised to go to the brands of the major stores to get quick -prepared coffee, or search for good prices for ground milk to put out their passion for caffeine.”
According to the report, in November, Nestlé, the owner, announced pioneering brands, including Nescafe Nespresso, that it will continue to raise prices and reduce packages of packages in an attempt to compensate for the high prices of coffee beans, which came in addition to the inflation that we witnessed last year.
A spokesman for Nestlé said that determining prices in stores is an individual decision for retailers, but he added: “Like all manufacturers, we have seen great increases in the cost of coffee, which increased the cost of manufacturing our products. As is always the case, we continue to enhance our efficiency and understand the increasing costs as much as possible, while maintaining the delicious taste that consumers know and love.”