The implementation of the action plan associated with the “Digital Culture / Protection of Children on the Internet” initiative resulted in the development of the national e-protection platform “E-Himaya” for protecting children on the line, whose number reached 33 thousand users out of about 60 countries, according to official data issued by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Management Reform.
According to a written answer to the Minister of Digital Transition, this platform, which is updated after its approval by the National Coordination Committee, which included in its membership representatives of government sectors and public institutions with the National Observatory for the Rights of the Child, aims to “consolidate good practices and security use techniques for the digital field in children” and “media and educating the groups concerned (children and youth, parents/ parents, teachers, etc.”
It also envisages “providing solutions and recommendations to parents/parents and teachers, as well as practical tools for teaching children and protecting them from the risks and threats related to the digital field”, in the expression of the document that Hespress had seen, interacting with the content of a previous written question for the kinetic team on the topic of “ways to protect children from technology risks”.
The outcome of the work from the plan revealed, according to the same source, “the completion of the preparation of a group of guidelines in both Arabic and French, was published on the platform, for the benefit of the targeted groups on various topics of interest to good practices and good and responsible use of tools and digital means.”
“Organizing, in a presence, a group of awareness and training workshops, at the level of a number of cities in various sides, for the benefit of the targeted groups on the good and responsible use of tools and digital means and to introduce them to the mentioned national platform, and benefiting from” the benefit of more than 18 thousand participants (children, teachers, civil society actors …) from these workshops. “
An upcoming “national campaign”
The answer of Minister Amal Al-Falah drew the attention of the team, the question, that the “Digital Development Agency”, in partnership with the members of the Coordination Committee, prepared to launch a national campaign to sensitize and raise awareness “digital culture/ protection of children from the risks of the Internet”, as well as “enriching and updating the content of the national e-protection platform“ E-Himaya ”and continuing to introduce it, putting a goal for that“ generalizing the measures taken in order to enable all groups The target is to identify good advice and practices in the field of safe use of digital technologies by children and youth.
The aforementioned committee is entrusted with “supervising the implementation of the initiative’s action plan and following it (launched in 2020) by adopting a“ package of awareness and awareness procedures, in partnership with the relevant actors, in order to consolidate the culture of appropriate use of digital technologies, and protect children and youth from related risks. ” This is embodied in the “adoption of its action plan, which is based on 5 basic axes.”
This plan was to “prepare objective guidance signs (video/ electronic games, social networks, personal data, internet risks, etc.) to inform and educate children about the safe use of the Internet” with “creating a national platform for awareness and awareness about digital culture and children’s protection on the Internet.”
The aforementioned committee also paid attention to the need to “encourage the use of parental control tools”; In parallel with the organization of “awareness and awareness campaigns by broadcasting TV/radio capsules and publishing videos”, with “organizing training courses and awareness workshops for the benefit of the actors involved in protecting childhood on the Internet as well as the targeted groups.”
It is worth noting that this coordination committee includes representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Integration, the Family, the Ministry in charge of digital transition, administration reform, Bank of Morocco, the Supreme Authority for Audiovisual Communication, the General Directorate of Information Systems Security, the Royal Gendarmerie, the General Directorate of National Security, the National Transportation Agency, the Digital Development Agency and the National Observatory for Child Rights.