A book of questions more than answers, which intends to develop the sense of question and criticism “in the first place”, published by Moroccan thinker and academic Abdellah Belkizziz on the Lebanese Beirut Forum, entitled “Time, Identity and Values”, and it is estimated that “distribution in the patterns of historical perception or in the patterns of consciousness of time is what shows us on the reasons for many Its crops on the position on the (Arab Islamic) past and from the present and the future that symbolizes this awareness to another system that comes from Europe, starting, then the West next.
This controversy appeared, according to the Moroccan thinker, “in moments that are committed to it, as if it marked the outbreak of an Arab intellectual civil war between cultural custodians: between the advocates of originality and the advocates of modernity. The truth is that most of it was to ideological speculation closer to him to the intellectual debate; This is the impoverishment of our awareness of means of great importance. ”
And Balkziz estimated, according to the introduction to his new book, that “every awareness of things, a conscious or an essential person, is – a consciousness – consciousness in time, and a consciousness of time at the same time.” “Come one thing, such as a cultural, social, political phenomenon …, in multiple times as it is to call it in multiple places.”
He added: “Perhaps we do not add new when we say that the worst types of awareness of time is that that is satisfied with its position in one of its three spaces (the past, the present, the future), and looking at things and phenomena within that space: separated from what before and beyond. It goes without saying that this view is severely inspired by the realization of a number of facts.
Among these facts are two facts, according to an academic who specializes in philosophy: “The first is that the location of time changes, and it becomes unless it is not before. Thus, the past, for example, was present, at the time before, it was in the future before that, and the present day is the past of tomorrow, and the future of the day is the present of tomorrow … and so on. And the second of them is that awareness of these three times is nothing more than two structures: either aware of its liquidity and movement, then it appears in it, then, integrated times, and not only successive; That is, it is not obligatory to diminish in it; Which allows to keep the continuity factor in some of the explanatory place for these phenomena, or to be aware of their distinction and the limits between them .. It does not seem to be punished, then, except in the form of development in which the previous follower folds; Which prevails in consciousness to work with the hypothesis of estrangement instead of the hypothesis of continuity.
“What we are in from saying is that the difference is great between a historical awareness of time and a structural awareness: between his movement and his transformation in the first and his and his decoration in the second.”
As for the “narratives”, Balqizam appreciates that “it is difficult to assume a conformity link between the narrative and its buildings, and (between) its narrated subject, because it is a fake or imagined uncertainty even if the narrative inspired it:
This that you have only to suggest to maximizing its persuasive power, as a narrative, among those who receive it. There is no display of its presentation to the balance of analysis and evidence, then, in order to rebuild the system of the novel in it, and show the materials in which the narration system was installed.
And “it takes advantage of this,” according to the same source, that “we must stop believing that the narratives make testimonies of things, events, facts and ideas, and to go to their approach as they present representations about these things only; Acts are made up by those who create these narratives. ”
These representations are “mental images of things that may come close to those things, in parts of them, and perhaps they have spanned them, and perhaps added to them what is not in them, and perhaps she was deleted from them, and so on what is within the work of consciousness and imagination of various operations in it that the images are fabricated from the world’s things”, then commented on Balqiz on this idea: “This observation if it is true in the case (Historical, intellectual, religious, political, ideological …), so how do you not believe in the case of narratives that turn, with time, into collective narratives that add each generation to their previous spoken layers new layers? ”
In the slit of “values”, Balkaz is estimated that “the mother of issues and dilemmas in the values systems is the ones that lie today, in the tremendous challenges that science and technology transformations give in the level of human values.”
He continued: “The human being in man has become a subject of consideration since the results of the revolution were introduced in the biological sciences in the possibility of the possibility to interfere in the natural engineering of living organisms, including man; Since the initiative of artificial intelligence, in the way of people, the machine, and the humanitarian work in automated work, and his intelligence with ‘intelligence’ technology!
The thinker believes that the era of the “robot” is, by definition, “the element of the end of man!”, Adding: “The delicacy and the matter is that no one has brought a person to this fate except the person himself! The human being, and through his long history, was a victim of his ignorance, so he had to relate and know to overcome the conditions of life. Today, the human being, really, is a victim of his knowledge … which he leads! Which identities and any values, you can talk about in this new turn?!