The opposition judge in the Misdemeanor Court will look tomorrow, Saturday, the session of renewing the imprisonment of the accused of assaulting the victim’s driver in the incident of the city of Al -Firdous in Giza, which resulted in damage to the microbus, as a result of one of the people’s encroachment on it.
Hassan Youssef, the lawyer of the accused in the incident of destroying the car of the “Paradise” driver in October, revealed new details in the case, explaining that the aggressor driver asked the accused’s family to request an amount of one million pounds as compensation to complete the reconciliation in the damage incident.
The defendant’s defense confirmed that the accused’s family refused the driver’s request, and offered him to repair the car, but he refused.
The Public Prosecution in the city of October 6 decided to imprison the accused in the perpetration of the paradise incident for 4 days pending the investigation, after a quarrel between two parties due to the collision of two cars, an angel and van microbus, which resulted in damage to the car car, and also ordered the release of his wife.
The prosecution heard the statements of the two sides of the fight that occurred in the Al -Firdous area due to a collision between an angel car and another small microbus “Van”, and it was filmed in the video and broadcast on the social media.
The prosecution decided to present the driver on the forensic medicine to show the injuries he suffered after he accused the other party of hitting and injuring him, and also decided to reserve the two cars in question to present them to a technical committee from traffic to show their damage.
The Ministry of the Interior had announced that for video compositions circulated on social media, including a fight between two parties due to the collision of two cars “an angel and van microbus”, which resulted in damage to the microbus, as a result of one of the people in the Al -Firdous area in Giza.
With the examination, it was found that on the 12th of this month, a quarrel occurred as a result of the collision of two cars, between the driver of the “Van Microbus” car, and a lady if she was driving a “Malaki” car, in the city of Al -Firdaws in the third police department of October in Giza, and this resulted in some damage to her car, and after that the woman used her husband “pension”, who encroached on the driver and caused damage to the car “Microbus”, using “iron gods”.