India’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRI) plans to reduce the duration of the erasing permits for the use of the Internet -satellite spectrum to only 5 years, instead of 20 years that Starlink, affiliated to Elon Musk, seeks, in a move aimed at monitoring the market closely and evaluating the early adoption of this technology.
An Indian government source told “Rewterzer”: While the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is working to prepare important recommendations for the federal government regarding the allocation of the frequency spectrum and its pricing, this step will aim to ensure the justice of competition and prevent the growing space market monopoly, and the spectrum will be allocated through an administrative mechanism instead of long -term licenses that were hoping companies such as “Starlink” to obtain it.
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Starlink, which is part of the SpaceX company, is seeking to obtain a 20 -year permit to support its ambitious plans to expand space internet services in India, which raised questions about how India balanced between encouraging technical investments and ensuring effective control of the market.
This step is part of the Indian government’s efforts to regulate the satellite telecommunications sector, as it focuses on the market response test first before making long -term decisions, which may significantly affect major technology companies, including “Starlink” and “Amazon”, which seeks to invest more in this promising technology.