Homework is one of the topics that arouses the controversy between families and professors, where some see that it enhances self -learning, develops a sense of responsibility among students, and helps the learners to stabilize the information they receive in school, while others consider it just a plus burden that limits the time of rest and other important activities for the child’s growth, such as playing and social interaction with peers.
Between these opinions and those rulings, questions arise about the importance of homework in the primary corps, the physical and objective challenges associated with them, and the roles of the professor, student and family towards these home school works, and whether those working in the education sector have ideas and proposals to develop the domestic duties system so that they are more effective to improve the educational process.
Families interfere
Najat Yassini, an educational director of an elementary school, said that “school duties can be a way to enhance learning or a stressful burden, depending on their type and quantity”, explaining that “choosing duties in a balanced way helps students to stabilize and prepare learning, which enhances the absorption of concepts in a deeper way”, at the same time warning that “many duties or difficult may lead to anxiety and fatigue, The student resorted to relying on his parents to accomplish it.
“The duties have an important role in consolidating what has been learned in the class, as well as enhances the sense of responsibility and develops the skills of focus and discipline among students,” Yassani added, noting that “the participation of parents in following up on duties is necessary, but it may turn into excessive intervention, as some of them are keen to correct all mistakes, which loses the child’s opportunity to learn.”
The same educational director stressed that “the difference in the positions of parents leads to a variation in the impact of duties on students; Some believe that the large number of exercises is necessary to enhance learning, while others consider that the student needs time to rest and other activities, and this disparity may create pressure on educational institutions, as some parents demand more duties, while others object to assigning their children to additional tasks at home.
Najat Yassani pointed out that “the interference of families in accomplishing duties sometimes makes the student depend on others instead of assuming his responsibility, which weakens his sense of independence, and that some parents insist that the answers be completely correct, which may lead to a collision between them and the teachers about the role of duties, especially when the goal becomes perfect results instead of enhancing the gradual learning of the student.”
The educational director concluded her clarifications by certainly that “the solution lies in achieving a balance between the amount and nature of duties, so that it is suitable for the student’s level without turning into a burden on him or his family”, pointing to “the importance of directing parents towards a supportive role without exaggeration, so that the student can benefit from the real duties, with the need for educational institutions to adopt a flexible approach that takes into account the individual differences and the diversity of views Families.
Pros and negatives
Jubair Mujahid, a researcher professor on educational affairs, said that “homework has several positives in the educational educational process, most notably the contribution to enhancing the learning acquired during the classroom, and consolidating the information and concepts that the learner receives within the class And self -reliance. ”
On the other hand, Mujahid confirmed, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that “the domestic duties are multiple. It constitutes an obstacle in front of the student’s comfort, but rather has become pressure and exhaustion, especially if it is many or difficult, and it is accomplished at the expense of the child’s comfort time.
The same spokesman added that “this type of homework often gives counter -results, as the learner intends to use websites or one of the adults to accomplish, which embodies a kind of social distinction, especially if it is adopted in the evaluation.”
Regarding the proposals to develop the domestic duties system, Jubair Mujahid said: “I am with the homework that is granted to the student within the limits of his self -capabilities, which do not affect his comfort in the house, and that they are useful and linked to educational goals to contribute to developing his skills, and that their goal is to consolidate knowledge and not to evaluate them.”
Present effect
Ibrahim Al -Khurmudi, an educational inspector in the primary corps, said that “homework is an essential part of the educational process, as it contributes to the consolidation of learning and enhancing the learner’s capabilities to research and explore; It gives him an opportunity to think in the coming lessons, which makes him more ready when returning to the semester, and also enhances the methodology of self -learning, which is one of the basic pillars in developing the intellectual independence of the learner.
Al -Khurmudi added, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that “homework can play an important role in building the student’s personality, as it helps him to acquire time organizing skills and bear responsibility, but excessive assignment of learners with extensive duties, without taking into account their quality and extent to which their capabilities may lead to counterproductive results”, stating that “instead of becoming a way to learn, it turns into a burden that is overwhelmed The student, which may negatively affect his motivation and limit his desire to achieve academic achievement.
The educational inspector explained that “some teachers depend on giving learners large quantities of exercises, without taking into account their educational function, which may lead to the students’ reluctance to accomplish or resort to external assistance, and this weakens the primary goal of duties, as the student’s focus becomes positioned on its completion by any means, instead of the focus on the learning process itself, which loses the opportunity to develop his analytical skills And thinking. ”
Al -Khurmudi stressed that “homework should be designed in a way that takes into account the individual differences between the learners, so that they are suitable for their capabilities, and contribute to enhancing their gains, instead of weighing them with exercises that may exceed their level of assimilation, and it is necessary that these duties have a clear educational dimension, so that they add value to the student’s learning, and enhance his skills, instead of turning into a mere routine duty imposed on them without understanding it.”
The educational inspector itself indicated that “the involvement of the family in supporting the learning of children is necessary, but this must be within certain limits, so that parents do not replace their children in completing the duties,” explaining that “the goal is not only to reach the correct answer, but also enables the student to develop thinking and independence skills. Therefore, it is necessary to educate families about the importance of leaving their children to try themselves, and learn from their mistakes, instead of providing them with ready answers.
Ibrahim Al -Khormoudi warned that “the excess pressure resulting from the large number of duties may push some students to alienate from learning, or search for quick solutions, such as relying on support lessons, which may sometimes turn into quantum trade instead of quality, and this leads to the spread of a culture of searching for points instead of focusing on actual learning, which limits the development of intellectual capabilities of learners.”
Al -Khurmudi said, “The development of homework evaluation practices is necessary to make them more effective, so that it should be enjoyable and easy to achieve, and not to take a long time affecting the social time of the child; The learner needs time to rest, play and family interaction, which in turn contributes to developing his personality and enhancing his ability to learn in a balanced way.
The educational inspector concluded his clarifications by certainly that “reforming the problem of homework requires a comprehensive approach, which includes the formation of teachers on the ways of its design effectively, while educating families about their real role in supporting the learning of their children,” noting that “the issue is not only related to the amount of exercises, but its quality and extent of its contribution to building thinking and independence skills, which makes learning more deep and effective.”