A question arises about the extent of the wife’s right to prevent her divorcee from traveling in the event that he refuses to pay the prescribed alimony by a judicial ruling, especially after she obtains a ruling on imprisonment for a freezing alimony, and “the seventh day” explains in this report the position of the law on this matter.
The law gives the wife the right to obtain an order to prevent the husband or the ex -wife from traveling in the event that it is not paid any debt of the alimony sentence, after the ruling of his imprisonment.
Where Article (3) of Law 10 of 2004 regarding the establishment of the Family Court of its competence states that all personal status issues, including issuing orders on a petition in the matters stipulated in the first article of Law 1 of 2000, which includes disputes about traveling abroad after hearing the statements of the stakeholders.
Also, submitting a ban from traveling does not require complex procedures, as it is not required to submit a settlement request, but it is sufficient to submit an official request attached to documents proving the issuance of the sentence of imprisonment with the unpaid alimony, while emphasizing hearing the statements of the parties concerned.
In the event that the other party does not attend, the judge can issue his decision in his absence.