Amr Khaled, the Islamic preacher, said that excessive thinking is one of the frightening diseases of the age, and it results from permanent anxiety over the future, and the exaggerated thinking in things that are still in the knowledge of the unseen, the blame of the soul in a past that cannot be changed, and the extreme fear of the possibility of calamity, in addition to the financial accounts.
Khaled added, in the twelfth episode of his Ramadan program, “The Prophet of Charity”, that exaggerated excessive thinking makes the body secrete the hormone cortisol, which causes the exhaustion of the energy of the body and the feeling of exhaustion, and with the continuation of this leads to the weakening of the immune system and the immunity loss diseases begin.
The spokesman warned that excessive thinking prevents the conversion of planning into implementation, and it may reach depression, explaining that the solution lies in this wonderful wisdom: Relax yourself from the measure after planning, so what God has done about you will not do yourself, and that there is a difference between management and planning; “Planning is a legal matter.” As for the measure, it is “exhausting the soul with what is not in your hands.” And leave the measure a comfort, because the preoccupation with it disturbs your livelihood and disturbs your mood.
The preacher indicated that the management of God alone, because it is the administration of the unseen … And the measure is one of the residences based on the affairs of His servants … “God is no god but He who is the living and resurrected.”
Khaled emphasized that the male and the supplication reduce anxiety, concern and urgency, so he advised to bring out all the energy in the human being in the charity of planning and implementation, with dhikr and supplication to reduce worry and increase effectiveness.
The migration of the Prophet to Medina
Khaled reviewed how the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, planned to migrate to Medina after the allegiance of the supporters of him in the pledge of allegiance to the second obstacle, where “he was ready to migrate at any moment (charity planning), provided that it was on the same night in which Quraysh meets in the seminar house and decided to get rid of it and assassinate it, and this made the mastermind, glory be to Him,” and he set the steps of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in planning to migrate as follows:
1- Ali bin Abi Talib’s sleep in his bed.
2- It is covered with the Prophet’s extension to earn time to disrupt Quraish.
3- The Prophet did not go directly to the house of Abu Bakr, but went to his aunt’s house first.
4- Get masked to Abu Bakr.
5- He went to Abu Bakr in the most severe hour of the day (September 622 AD/ 27 Safar), because Quraysh control is certain.
6- He asked Abu Bakr to leave him at home.
7- They went out of the lying behind the house of Abu Bakr, so that you would not see them as Quraysh.
8- The trend is on the road to the south instead of the north.
9- Ascending to the bull of Thor, which is 5 miles away from the Kaaba.
10 The mountain has more than 4 areas suitable for hiding, but the Prophet chose to climb to the last summit.
11- Hiding in the bore of 3 days until Quraysh is tired of searching for it.
12- Distribution of roles … names (bring eating). Abdullah (Bring the News) .. Amer bin Fahira (erased: the effects of the feet).
13- Quraysh arrived at Garal Thor. (You have effort, but God loves victory from him).
14- Spider and bathrooms at the door of the cave. (Relax yourself from the measure after planning, so what God has done about you will not do for yourself).
The same spokesman said that what happened in the migration incident was a prophetic lesson in the charity of trust after the charity of planning in the most difficult moment in life, and he pointed to the attachment of the heart of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his homeland, Mecca while he was outside of it, where he looked at it and said: “By God, you are the good of the land of God and I love a land to me and if not for your family, they brought me out of you what came out of you.”
The preacher criticized the wrong understanding of some people that religiosity has nothing to do with the love of the homeland, with their claim that the love of the homeland is against religiosity, because “the assumption is to love religion and only”, and according to them, and indicated that these people believe that the homeland is a “handful of dust”, but this is a reduction in the meaning of the homeland, because the country is a people, history, scholars, achievements, and the protection of religion, and who says that the homeland is a “handful of dust” like those who say that it is a group of papers.
Khaled asked: “How can the homeland be a handful of dust and the Prophet says: Whoever dies without its land is a martyr?” He explained that the idea of the nation and the homeland are overlapping circles within some of them, and not intersecting circles are the opposite of some.
The spokesman stated that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to love his country, and may God protect his prophet from excessive thinking.
The preacher concluded that stopping excessive thinking is through the following matters:
-A decision to cut over thinking forcing your mind on it.
Take all your energy in the charity of planning and implementation.
Mention and supplication to reduce worry and increase effectiveness.