Academics and university workers emphasized what they called “seriousness” in dealing with the “Aoun Al -House Foundation” by seeking to enjoy “the caliphs of the pimps of their various degrees and tasks” in the seizure, considering that the twentieth article of the criminal procedure project is a step that solves a set of problems, especially if a criminal act occurred in a distant space that requires the presence of a representative of the authority to ensure that the facts are not changed and maintains the integrity of the situation before the competent security authorities reach the eye The place.
Despite the “sharp criticism and rejection that affects the category of power agents due to many practices contrary to the law indicated by the complaints of citizens and judicial follow -up”, one of the university researchers who discussed the issue with Hespress considered that “giving this category the discipline of a need; But with the addition of decisive requirements to implement restraint laws against all those who have been proven to violate his tasks or manipulate the contents of the lecturer, according to the same approach to which all state employees are subject.
The academics also called for “overcoming the negative representations that society has accumulated towards this category and related to a historical period that had its own contexts, which still imposes on many to take hostile positions”, explaining that “things have changed, as we have the agents of dozens who follow their higher studies in a number of colleges, especially those related to legal studies, and that many of them belong to young groups that do not decrease Its academic level of the baccalaureate in most cases.
The activity of the activity, a university academic professor at the Faculty of Law in Muhammadiyah, considered that “the addition of the Ministry of Justice is the caliphs of the pimps of various degrees and tasks to the list of judicial police officers stipulated in Article Twenty of the Criminal Procedure Project raised questions on the pretext that the caliphs of the pimp are not available on eligibility and efficiency to practice this seizure character. Performing and poor coverage of the soil of many villages and valleys from the services of the leader.
The activity also clarified, in his statement to Hespress, that the new one “seeks to bring this seizure to be brought to the comrades who live in the rural world, who find it difficult to access the services of the Royal Gendarmerie and Command services,” adding that “adding the caliphs to the list of judicial police officers is a requirement that finds its basis with the nature of the roles of the men of the authority updated under the Dahir No. 1.08.67 on the date 7/31/2008, which identified the men of power in four varieties, namely: workers, pashawat, pimps, and caliphs of pimps.
“The criminal procedure project offered to parliament currently wanted to complete this episode by adding the successor to the leader, along with the leader, the pasha and the worker within the judicial police officers as it is currently,” he said, considering that “the fear that many parliamentarians have shown within the Justice and Legislation Committee in the House of Representatives through the eligibility of the caliphs of the leaders to do this task can be remedied by subjecting these caliphs to a training period Suitable, enabling them to discipline the discipline. ”
He also said: “The twenty -first article of the criminal procedure determines the job of judicial police officers in receiving complaints and inscriptions and conducting preliminary research, and this new task must be managed with greater reservations, especially in the first stage of downloading the criminal procedure; And that is by selecting a preliminary list of the caliphs, qualifying them and training them under the supervision of pimps, in the horizon of circulating this to all those who bear the status of the caliph’s framework. He added: “Also, the stipulation is that the leader’s presence with the caliph gives preference and precedence to the leader in his exercise of the seizure.”
“Basic role”
Rashid Lakkar, Head of the Public Law Division of the Faculty of Law in El Jadida, reported that “opposition to empowering the caliph, who was originally Aoun Salad, of the seizure characteristic based on their lack of the educational level that enables them to edit the records with unconvincing efficiency.”
In his speech to the newspaper Hespress, he highlighted that “the reality confirms that the caliphs of the leadership, including the rest of the authority’s agents, are playing important roles, especially in the rural areas, in difficult pilgrims and even in cities.” He added, “They are the first to attend when disasters, crimes and traffic accidents occur and report them.”
In this regard, the same academic indicated that “they often play the role of ambulances and firefighters before they attend the scene of events.”
The same spokesman continued: “If we are based on the educational level only, the logic will lead us to demand the cancellation of their presence at all; Because educational lack of competence is not only a stand on the control characteristic, and therefore it does not have an impact on other tasks, “describing this view as” irrational and not based on a reasonable basis, “stressing that” this group plays an advanced role for the benefit of the state in the person of the Ministry of Interior. “
He recorded Bakr that “the authority of the administration seems completely not ready to abandon the aid of power or the ‘function” that he performs even for the benefit of other government sectors; Like health, endowments, education and housing, especially in the construction sector, “noting that” the caliph, who was the help of the capacity of the adjective, gives the legal character to a number of its interventions, and gives it the legal authenticity in the face of the parties; Thus it protects her from abuse that she is often exposed to at the direct interventions.
The academic appointed him to “the ability to subject this category to continuous training and for all forms of professional qualification that authorizes them to carry out their tasks in good conditions and overcome the problem of training”, recalling that “many serious crimes and even those related to terrorism, for example, had hand agents to reveal it. Accordingly, as long as they provide important services to the state, rather their enjoyment in this capacity; Because the records they accomplish will be objective and more reflective of the truth by virtue of their permanent presence in the field.