The Interim Committee for the Management of the Press and Publishing Sector affairs held, on Friday, its regular meeting, devoted to circulation in the developments taking place in the sector, and made decisions on many issues listed in the agenda, as well as the reports of the heads of the permanent committees, which were limited to the report of the Professional Press Card Committee and the Professional Ethics Committee and disciplinary issues.
According to a press communication seen by Hespress, the interim committee discussed, within the points listed in the agenda, organizing a national symposium on social networks, in its relationship to respecting ethics and law, with the aim of contributing to opening a dialogue on the importance of dealing with modern communication technologies, positively, and searching for the most effective ways to protect society from the negative and abusive use of individuals and institutions.
The same source added that the committee agreed on the project of launching a national campaign on education on the media, with the aim of contributing to raising awareness among the various groups of society of the necessity of using critical thought towards the false news that promotes social networks, the campaigns of organized misinformation, defamation of people, extortion by publishing and broadcasting, and mercenaries by promoting obscene and fallen speech, and violating public modesty …
The communication also recorded, with great satisfaction, the response that the committee’s proposal received by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation regarding the launch of joint projects with universities, institutions and institutes affiliated with it on education, and encouraging the reading of national newspapers and completing training programs in the field of journalism and media.
And the temporary committee considered, at this meeting, that it is necessary to continue efforts to address the practices of impersonating the journalist, by some, at a time when the law regulates this profession and sets the necessary conditions, legal, social and academic, to enter it, in order to fortify it and protect it from intruders, on the one hand, and work to ensure its access by those who have competencies who have the conditions for providing a public service for society, characterized by quality And credibility, on the other hand.
The aforementioned committee emphasized the extreme importance of the great effort made by the Profession Ethics Committee and disciplinary issues in order to discipline journalists who violate these ethics, considering that no one is above accountability, which aims to create the profession of journalism, within the framework of the Press and Law Ethics Charter, which is the main task for which the National Council of the Press has been created, similar to the councils of journalism The world, especially in countries with ancient democratic traditions, which are not tolerated towards violating the ethics of the press and considers it a real scourge that must be fought.
The members of the Interim Committee also expressed, at the end of the meeting, their thanks to the Supreme Council of the Judicial Authority, the Bar Association in Casablanca, and the National Authority for Doctors and Doctors, for their participation in the organized symposium on February 26, 2025 on the experiences of professional bodies in managing ethics issues.