Usually, the term of insult and slander is frequent and always believes that it is one crime, which is insulting and slandering, due to the lack of knowledge of the provisions of the law, which makes them vulnerable to many problems in their daily lives and educating the citizen regarding the laws regulating these issues.
“The Seventh Day” reviews the difference between the crime of insulting and the crime of defamation.
Insulting according to the text of Article 306 of the Penal Code is to scratch the honor of a person and consider it deliberately without this includes assigning a specific incident to it.
The corners of the crime of insulting
Public insulting on two material corners is to scratch honor and consider any aspect without this to include a specific incident and a moral corner that always takes the image of the criminal intent.
The material pillar, this pillar is based on two elements of activity that will scratch honor or consideration in any way and the recipe for this activity, which must be public and there is a negative element in this pillar that distinguishes between it and the material pillar of defamation is unless the activity of the accused includes assigning a renewed incident to the victim.
The moral pillar: insulting in all its cases is a intentional crime, and its moral corner takes the image of the criminal intent and the intention in insulting a general intent with knowledge and will and not from its elements is a availability of a certain emitter or intention to a goal that is not in itself from the elements of the material pillar in insulting.
According to the text of Article 302 of the Penal Code, defamation is a specific assignment that requires punishment for those attributed to or contempt for a public chain of transmission.
The corners of the defamation crime
Ejaculation is assumed to do a chain of transmission and this act is focused on an incident in which two conditions are required to be specific and that it would be punished by those assigned to him or contempt.
The material pillar: The body of three criminal activity is the act of support and a subject of this activity is the specific incident that would punish those who were assigned or despised by a recipe for this activity is that it is public.
The moral pillar: defamation in all its cases is a intentional crime, and therefore its moral corner takes the image of the criminal intention and the law and the law is considered to consider the purpose in the purpose of the intention, so if the defamation is required for the purpose in all its forms. He assigns it to the victim, and he must know about the advertising of the chain of transmission, and he must have the will of the chain of transmission and the will of publicity.