Bridget Jones disturbed the feminists, a movie champion of her name and has finally returned to cinemas. Unlike the expected from it, the London character does not seem annoying from the attachment of some of them to describe the toxic femininity of it, because she was obsessed with weight loss and finding a man, as well as her defense of her old trail companion Daniel Clever (star Hugh Grant) in the personality of the traditional women, who fought the “Mi To” campaign (I am also) a struggle against her. However, Bridge does not care about criticism, and does not want to change, even though it has necessarily changed, and she came in life, passing through the four widespread cinematic productions, which bears her name. The most important thing is that Bardigit Jones is not a victim, and she does not want to be a victim. It is also not a feminist icon for sure, and does not want to be it.
American star Rene Zelloyger has identified with the popular character she played since 2001 (the date of the first movie was released in the series), until some of her fans called her in the name of Bridge Jones when he met her on the street. Bridge is a young man who is tirelessly looking for a husband or companion, a trail, similar to social patterns, and to escape the unity that she has pursued since her youth in her loud life with meetings and fun. The star says that she is fond of the character and hopes that she (with her age) will maintain her ability to fun, and will not give up her fragility that made thousands of ordinary women to enjoy with her. Bridge is not a distinctive thing in something, it is not very beautiful or intelligent, and its professional success appears to be a coincidence more coincidental than the outcome of a strenuous professional march. Like normal women, from the “advantages” of Bridge’s character that she has a mother who wants to marry her by force, despite her continuous generosity of men (who wants a husband and has a successful profession like you? The mother says to her daughter in the third episode of the series).
Bridge is like all because it is far from perfection or idealism, but its true strength lies in its ability to hope that the beautiful things have not ended yet
Bridge is like all because it is far from perfection or idealism, but its true strength lies in its ability to hope that the beautiful things have not ended yet, and the guaranteed optimism that luck will inevitably help them the next time. It often stutters and commits the gag after the other, and the dictionary of its political information is almost limited to a sentence or two of the war in Chechnya, which he repeats it in social occasions without knowing the matter, and for the sake of courtesy only, or the cultural review, but its ability to remedy the lapses with a funny naivety often extracts the smile of its interlocutors, even in the presence of senior attorneys and politicians in the social episode (She finally marries in the third episode of the series), prominent human rights lawyer Mark Darcy (star Colin Verth), who will spend a mine explosion in Sudan in the fourth and final episode. However, Bridge, unlike our majority, has the ability to overcome living crises and fluctuations in the profession, without any effort, even to imagine the viewer that she lives in a world that is not related to the high -high city of London, where the labor market is competitive with distinction. In the affiliates of the well -known English middle -class, there is no place for living and fluctuating of the labor market.
Why did the very normal London Bridge Jones disturbed feminists? … the release of the new movie of the cinematic series was accompanied by articles in British newspapers, in which women express their personal hatred as “toxic”, and re -produce gender molds that the feminist movement fought to cancel. It has reached one of these articles to demand the elimination of the character, which, according to the author of the article, is real in our world. The star responded to the criticism, strongly defending the icon character by saying that Bridge Jones “is nice and there is no mistake at all with her or with her experiences,” praising the ability of the character to optimism, and she tilt until she does not take herself seriously. However, the personality of the film is not essentially feminist, and does not want to be, unless we consider her position on delaying marriage, her expressions of her lack of attachment to children, and her very limited knowledge of cooking, “feminist” positions.
Women see in our normal lives a failure to achieve ourselves as an anti -social style
In the fourth and final episode of the series, Bridge Jones (she came out of the caz for the world of celibacy to intervene again after the death of her husband), the spirit of the age, through the accompanying of a young man who is young, met with him through dating applications that have become the basic way to meet, but she does not stop dreaming of romantic meetings to overcome her unity, as well as many women of the dating era. So why did the criticism campaign described it as “toxic femininity”, which has become more rational, and the least desire for adventures, after she became the mother of two children? … Feminist exaggeration in the combat of traditional social patterns of women has become suitable for a new staining from the need to get out of the tradition, as if Bridge (and its counterparts) is necessarily a decrease in women’s rights, and the march of their heavy liberation. Get out of patterns has become a new type of repression, this time in the hands of feminists themselves, who see in our very normal lives a catastrophic failure in achieving ourselves as necessarily against social patterns.
Daily Telegraph, in an article on the new and final version of the character, “Bridget Jones, the catastrophic and frustrated is not (the feminist icon) that the British woman deserves,” while it came in the first lines of a similar article published by “The Guardian”: “Najda, Bridge returned. She is a widow but she is trivial, consumer and obsessed with herself more than any time. I do not buy this. The anti -feminist imagination. ” Do British women (and others) necessarily wait for a feminist icon to feel victory? … Bridge Jones, like us, is very normal, and perhaps her ability to bear her reality and adapt to his changes and requirements the best that Bridge and her counterparts can be achieved by women who are adorned with their reality away from the tenderness of women’s obsession with dramatic icons.