The first district, terrorism, held in Badr, headed by Counselor Mohamed Al -Saeed Al -Sherbiny, is pronounced today by its ruling on accusing joining a terrorist group and possession of materials in the pyramid.
In case 45369 of 2024, the accused was directed to the accused, “MS” accused, including the joining of a terrorist group, the manufacture and possession of plunger materials and planning to carry out terrorist operations in the pyramid and Faisal by planting patchy packages next to a bank.
He also charged the accused with joining a terrorist group aimed at using violence, threats and intimidation at home for the purpose of violating public order, endangering the lives of society and secure danger, harm individuals and terror in their hearts and endangering their lives and rights and other rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and law, harm national unity and social peace, preventing public authorities and government interests from carrying out their actions and disrupting Constitution and laws.