In a moment when the pain and pride embodied together, an elderly Syrian mother stood beside my bodies and her children, who were killed in cold blood. She did not cry, did not weaken, did not ask for mercy. The killers were in front of her; Armed men, cruel, think that the scene will break it and the weapon will sow fear with its roots, but it stood steadily after they threw the reason for what it got and on its proverbs from the sons of its region, and she said in a strict voice, strictly:
A scene like this is not merely an individual incident, but rather a reflection of a broader state of infection and human collapse, is an affirmation of the prophecy of Mamdouh Adwan, who has repeatedly written about disappointment when it comes from those who are supposed to be the closest to us, and how wars do not kill people only, but kill values and morals in them.
The betrayal from the inside .. When the homeland becomes an arena for brutality
What happened in the Syrian coast, burning homes, looting of property and throwing corpses in the sea, is not merely random violence but rather a model of what Mamdouh Adwan described in his book “Humanity of Man”, when he warned that cruelty and brutality are only a natural result of a world that legitimizes violence under any name.
A aggression was not only seen as war as a political or military conflict, but rather saw it as a situation that turns human beings into more brutal beings. He wrote one day: “A person is able to justify anything, until killing, if he is convinced enough.
Wars not only kill humans, but also kill values and morals in them
Here, we find that the killers in that video, and perhaps in thousands of similar incidents, have their own justifications, they have their convictions that make them see killing merely “detailing” in their battle! But what about the great disappointment? What about the feeling that the land that you grew up has pronounced you, and that whoever you see them as neighbors became the killers?
“We are not treacherous “… the strength in refraining from imitating the monsters
The words of the mother were not merely an instant reaction, but rather a moral position, as if she says to the murderer: “You may take their lives, but you will not take away our humanity.” Here is the essential difference between revenge and refraining from decline to the level of the killers.
Mamdouh Adwan also talked about this in his book “Defense of madness”, where he considered that real madness is in the surrender of cruelty, and that the true resistance is to stay a human being despite everything, perhaps he would have been written about this mother if he was alive, perhaps he would see in her words a symbol of the remainder of dignity in a world collapsing.
Are we ready for this disappointment??
Wars reveal the true minerals of humans, in such moments, one realizes that the danger is not only in bullets, but in the feeling that the land on which we live no longer knows us, or that we no longer know them.
The land we live on no longer knows us, or we no longer know it
The question now is not only about the killers, but about the whole society; Did this war strip our truth? Are we ready to admit that we were living in the illusion of solidarity while the truth was different?
What next?
No one can return the children of that mother, and no word can reduce her pain, but her position remains a lesson in dignity, and a message that the betrayal may be a reality, but it is not justified for surrender. Mamdouh Adwan wrote one day: “No one escapes the war, even the survivors are losers.”
Perhaps we are all losers, but the real question: What will we do with this loss?