The Syrian thinker, Dr. Hossam El -Din Fayyad, states that there is no identity without language and intellectual production, no culture or civilization without a cultural identity. Pointing out that it is difficult to find a definition that is compatible with the concept of identity, although sociological studies have proven that each group or nation has social, psychological, psychological, living, and historical characteristics, expressing an entity in which people who are harmonious and similar to the influence of these characteristics and features that bring them together.
Fayyad confirmed that the concept of identity suffers from several problems; Including the difficulty of talking about identity, being the self -talk about itself; Therefore, the feelings of identity are defensive feelings against the will of crushing that the other shows, and the identity cannot be separated from the social movement, and the stampede and conflict that takes place, which takes the debate about the limits of identity in light of power and ideology.
He explained that the collective identity derives the features of its components from the culture of society, given that the culture constitutes the consistent and continuous total of the common meanings and symbols, which the group is working to deliver and reproduce through the various channels that weave it for this purpose.
He believes that the term identity is an old heritage, meaning that the thing is it, and it is not the other, and it is the opposite of heterosexuality and may be relative, and not total to determine the deviation of identity. The identity of the thing is its constants, which are renewed and do not change, manifested and discloses itself, without giving up its place to its opposite, as long as the self remains alive.
Fayyad promised the meaning of identity for man and society, the individual and the group, according to a pure human perspective; It is a person who is divided into himself, and he is the one who feels different, transcendent or division between what is being and what should be, between reality and example, and between the present and the past, between the present and the future. This means that identity is the sense of the individual or groups in particular; The result of self -awareness that it possesses distinctive characteristics expressing the entity of the characteristic of a person from others and distinguishing them from us, as the new child has the identity of what is born through his name, gender, paternity, motherhood and citizenship, and these things in every case do not become part of his identity except at a time when he is aware of it.
He pointed out that although identity is a metaphysical subject, it is a psychological issue and emotional experience, a person may match himself or deviate from it in others. The one person is divided into two parts: an identity and a change, or he feels alienated if the identity tends to others or deviates from itself. Exalted philosophical and deviation is a psychological word. The identity is that a person is himself identical to himself. Identity is a characteristic of the soul, not the body, is a psychological state, not a physical condition.
We can define identity: it is privacy and excellence from others or a group of advantages that individuals possess, and contribute to making them achieve the characteristic of exclusivity from others, and these advantages may be common to a group of people, whether within society. Or it is everything common to members of a specific group, or a social segment that contributes to building a general environment for a country, and these individuals are dealt with according to their identity.
He stressed that the cultural and civilizational identity of a nation of nations is the firm, essential, and common features and divisions that distinguish the civilization of this nation from other civilizations, which makes the national figure a nature, including the linguistic system resulting from social crystallization, and the social nature is an internal character of the system, and there is no true reality outside the democracy and the speaking audience. And time authorizes social forces to exercise their effects on the language, which is the necessary factor inherent in every development achievement, and a basic corner in every economic project, and not just a tool for expression that we can replace with any other expressive tool, but the language is an actual standard that constructs thought and straightens.
Adding: There is no identity without language and intellectual production, no culture without identity, nor thought without solid scientific institutions, nor knowledge without cognitive freedom, and there is no communication or influence except in a national language that strikes its roots in history, and meets the need of the present and the future.
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